Hi there, and welcome to Launcher! Make sure you read the warning near the end of this document. Version 1.1 (this version) is approximately 2 days newer than version 1.0. Version 1.1 fixed the following things: - You can now start windows from any directory - The reload bug has been fixed - Launcher is more stable and better at finding initialization files. (I shouldn't even have release version 1.0, this was an easy fix.) I wrote this program in about a week, so it's probably quite buggy. It's also (more to the point) free, meaning you don't have to register it or anything. Just use it! I run on a 1024x768 display, so I'm partial to hi-res apps and I made the bitmaps fairly large. (48x48). If you're running on a 640x480 display you'll only be able to fit 10 apps in the launcher at a time. However the bitmap size is customizable (as long as they're square) and if you like you can make your own buttons of any size, using a bitmap editor. The first line in LAUNCHER.INI specifies the size of the bitmaps to use. To install the program, just put all the files that came in LAUNCH10.ZIP into some directory of your choosing, such as c:\windows\launcher, and then copy or move the files LAUNCHER.EXE and LAUNCHER.INI into your windows directory. The program will autodetect your video resolution and put the launcher on the right side of your screen. The launcher will slide up and down if you click anywhere on it and drag. If you have a slow video card like me, (at least it's slow in 1024x768x256 colors), then if you move it too fast it will blur a bit, because it's not getting a chance to repaint itself. No matter what bitmap you choose for the top button, it will always bring up the launcher control panel when you double-click on it. If you want the launcher to be your system shell, change the line in your system.ini file that reads SHELL=PROGMAN.EXE to read SHELL=LAUNCHER.EXE. You have to specify SOME sort of text editing or word- processing program in the LAUNCHER.INI file. Check the sample .ini file that comes with it for an example. (I use notepad.) You can launch things by association. Just put the file you want loaded in on startup after the program's name, like this: c:\windows\notepad phone.txt and it should work. If it doesn't, well...my error checking isn't too good and it will probably crash with a weird runtime error, and I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do. Just restart the launcher and don't do that again :) It usually works for me though. The control panel that comes up when you click on the launcher icon gives you some self-explanatory choices. The "Reload" option lets you restart the launcher, so if you've made some changes to LAUNCHER.INI they can take effect. The "Execute" option lets you run a program. Its operation is similar to that of the File/Run command from the Program Manager. You can make your own bitmaps with Paintbrush or a similar bitmap editor. They should by 48x48 pixels or strange things will happen (unless you have deliberately changed the default size in LAUNCHER.INI, that is.) If you don't have a bitmap editor that can tell you how big the bitmap is that you've drawn, you can try this: Load one of the stock bitmaps that I've provided for you, (such as blank.bmp, which is just a blank button), make some changes to it, and SAVE AS something else. I haven't actually tried this in paintbrush but I don't see why it shouldn't work. Well, time for the disclaimers. ***WARNING*** I have had good luck with this program, but I make no guarantee that it will work on your machine. I will not be responsible for any damages incurred by the installation or use of this program of any kind. YOU will be responsible. This program is free, and you get what you pay for. However, since I did write the program I have a certain interest in the program's behaviour. If you find any bugs, or have any suggestions or comments, then I would appreciate it if you mailed or emailed me about them. I can be reached at: Steve Yegge 2806 Briar Lea Loop S.E. <-- not forever, though Olympia, WA 98506 U.S.A. email: stevey@cs.washington.edu <-- also not forever. I graduate in 1993. I hope you enjoy this program as much as I have!